Finding Dory is a sequel to the family favorite Pixar classic, Finding Nemo. Finding Dory is a sequel to the family favorite Pixar classic, Finding Nemo. Finding Dory is a sequel to the family favorite Pixar classic, Finding Nemo….. My memory isn't that great, I feel like I’ve said that before.
Finding Dory follows the dynamic duo from the first movie; but focuses on Dory as she slowly tries to remember where she left her family. The journey brings Dory, Marlin, and Nemo across the ocean to the coast of California, following Dory's memories as they start to come back and uncover clues to finding her parents.
This simple plot sounds a lot like its predecessor, Finding Nemo, but it actually feels different enough in the film that it never gets too predictable or boring. They also do a great job of introducing new characters to the world that are just as lovable and memorable as the first movie. Every good Pixar movie needs a scene that pulls on your heart strings and Finding Dory delivers there too. Pixar incorporates flash backs from Dory’s memory that deliver haymakers of heartbreak and empathy for the little fish who lost her family. Baby Dory may be the cutest Disney character ever put on screen, and when she first loses her Mom and Dad it feels a lot like someone punching you in the gut.
The only negative I had with this film was it felt like they had three different endings; instead of choosing one and moving on they just kept all three and extended the movie a little too long. The world was also familiar so it didn’t pack the punch of my first time watching Finding Nemo.
Overall, I think this movie was a lot of fun and another strong movie from Pixar. It isn’t as good as Finding Nemo but it still holds its own and serves as a great continuation of really beloved characters.
My ranking: 4 out of 5 Baby Blue Tang Fis