God forgive the parents that accidentally took their kids to this movie. Sausage Party could be the most obscene movie I have ever seen and the main character is a hotdog. This movie is like if South Park, met Team America, met basic grocery store items and it is every bit as dirty as what you are imagining.
Sausage Party follows the short life of a Hot Dog and a Bun. They are placed on the shelf together and hope every day they get picked by the “gods” to leave the store and come home with them. It doesn’t take very long after they have been “chosen” to realize that their “gods” don’t keep them safe, instead they chop, peel, cook and ultimately eat the food.
This movie is first really dumb. It’s a Seth Rogan movie and it doesn’t try to hide its roots in stoner culture. It also earns ever bit of its R Rating animating some truly obscene drug, violence, and sex scenes on screen for you to watch. This “humor” was so over the top that it ended up souring the funny moments of this movie overall. The concept is funny and I did laugh at certain jokes but it’s quest to push the sensors to their limit at the end of the film made it unenjoyable for me overall.
I wouldn’t suggest this movie to anyone, I ended up cringing more than I laughed and wishing it was over when the jokes got stale 3/4ths way through the film.
My ranting: 1 out of 5 Rotten Tomatoes