This is a Pixar film, is anyone surprised anymore that these movies are always great? Coco joins the pantheon of original films that become instant classics from the very first song.
Coco follows a boy named Miguel who dreams of becoming a musician. Miguel’s great-great grandfather abandoned the family to follow his music career, since then his family has banned music of all types to prevent that happening again. When Miguel discovers that his great-great grandfather may be the legendary musician De La Cruz, he finds himself in the land of the dead seeking out De La Cruz to receive his blessing to play music.
Coco is beautiful, the animation, storytelling, the heart. This film is exactly what we have all come to expect from Pixar. They never stop creating new characters and worlds that you want to revisit over and over. Coco’s world of the dead is colorful, vibrant, and deep. They have done such a good job building out a world that you immediately fall into it and see it through the eyes of Miguel.
I honestly don’t have any negatives about this movie. Coco is made for kids and for the full family, but it kept me engaged the whole time and gave me a really happy feeling coming out of the theater. I think the way the world is today, we could use a little more Coco in our life. Also full tear warning for this movie, you probably guessed that because it is Pixar, but fair warning.