Disney’s Marvel gets a second shot at Avengers 2, with a cast so jam packed the NBA all-star game thinks it is over kill, Captain America Civil war is…. Fun.
Captain American: Civil war places Iron man and Captain America at odds after the Avengers once again save the day but cause massive collateral damage. The government steps in and wants to regulate where our heroes go and when they are allowed to step in. In an odd reversal of roles, Captain America doesn’t side with the government and ends up at odds with Ironman. The team splits over the issue and the Civil War ensues.
So was this movie fun? My answer to that has to be yes, but it feels a little repetitive. This movie does have a different plot, a slightly darker tone, and more characters than the Avengers movie’s before it, but at the end of the day it feels to me like more of the same. There seemed to be very low steaks in this movie. I never felt like any of the main characters were in any sort of danger and although seeing them all fight looked amazing on film in the end I felt like it didn’t matter who actually won.
I also had a problem with how connected this movie is to the rest of the films. It is not as bad as Age of Ultron but I wondered what someone seeing a Marvel movie for the first time would think. All of the characters seem true to what we have seen in the previous movies but what if you didn’t know that? Does Captain America’s choice to go against the government he protected make much sense if you haven’t seen Cap 1 &2?
The super hero fatigue has started to set in for me and although I enjoyed this movie, and would even put it in my top 5 Marvel films I just didn’t enjoy myself as much as when the MCU started. I enjoyed the movie and can appreciate it for a fun blockbuster but I’m not quit as bullish as everyone else.
My Final Score: 3 out of 5 superhero cameos